Concrete Stain Colors – Solid and Semi Transparent – 250 Stained Concrete Colors

What ever you project project entails, Surecrete design products has virtually unlimited solid concrete stain colors available. Through our exclusive on-demand tinting system, Surecrete can provide just about any color you can imagine. All of our colors are made to be UV stable and are manufactured to withstand the harshest weather conditions including, heavy traffic, freeze-thaw conditions, and high heat climate areas.

Go Green Decorative Concrete Products Surecrete

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Green Concrete Products and Sealers[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Surecrete Design Products cares about the environmental impact of our world. Below are products that have a zero to under 400 VOC. With Surecrete’s Go Green campaign, we are able to manufacturer great quality decorative concrete products, while keeping the environmental footprint in mind. Although all these products are under a 400 VOC rating please always refer to the manufacturers technical data a sheet (TDS) and safety data sheets (SDS) for complete safety precautions. As always, thank you for choosing Surecrete decorative concrete products.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green concrete cleanersGreen Concrete Surface Preparation

Concrete Crack Treatment SCT-22
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Epoxy Concrete Crack Treatment SCT-EP
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Concrete Cleaner SCR
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Concrete Waterproofing Elasto-Shield
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Concrete Hardener LD1800
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Concrete Acrylic Stripper Envirostrip
VOC Rating 0 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green concrete counter top mixesConcrete Counter Top Products

Concrete Counter Top Mix XS-Precast
VOC Rating 0 g/L LEED Credit Available
Concrete Casting Terrazzo Mix XS-Terrazzo
VOC Rating 0 g/L LEED Credit Available
GFRC Casting Face Mix XS-Face
VOC Rating 0 g/L LEED Credit Available
GFRC Casting Backer Mix XS-Backer
VOC Rating 0 g/L LEED Credit Available
Lightweight Concrete Casting Mix XS-Plus3
VOC Rating 0 g/L LEED Credit Available[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

green driveway sealers coatingsGreen Clear Driveway Sealers

Cure and Seal 12.5% Solids CS-125L
VOC Rating less than 400 g/L
Cure and Seal 25% Solids CS-250L
VOC Rating less than 400 g/L
Clear Driveway Sealer Acrylic 20% HS-240
VOC Rating = less than 400 g/L
Water Based Clear Concrete Sealer Super-WB
less than 100 g/L
Stamp Concrete Clear Sealer 30% HS-340
VOC Rating = less than 400 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

Go Green Concrete Stains and ColorsGreen Concrete Stains and Colors

Semi-Transparent Concrete Stain Eco-Stain
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Stamped Concrete Accent Color Eco-Accent
VOC Rating 0 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green acrylic outdoor concrete paintGreen Acrylic Outdoor Paints

Water Based Color Concrete Paint SureSeal WB
VOC Rating less than 100 g/L
Solvent Colored Driveway – Pool Deck Sealer SureSeal SB
VOC Rating under 400 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green indoor colored concrete sealersGreen Indoor Colored Floor Epoxys

Colored Floor Epoxy 100% Dura-Kote
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Water Based Colored Floor Epoxy Dura-Kote WB
VOC Rating 175 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green concrete overlays mixesGreen Concrete Overlay Mixes

Thin Concrete Overlay Mix Micro Topping
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Spray Concrete Overlay SureSpray
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Knockdown Concrete Overlay SureTex
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Broom Finish Driveway Overlay SureBroom
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Stamp Concrete Overlay SureStamp
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Wall Concrete Spray Overlay WallSpray
VOC Rating 0 g/L
Wall Stamp Concrete Overlay WallStamp
VOC Rating 0 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

green floor sealers and top coatingsGreen Indoor Clear Coats

Water Based Clear Polyurethane Floor Sealer
VOC less than 72 g/L
Water Based Clear Epoxy Floor Coating
VOC 175 g/L
Clear Epoxy 100% Solids Floor Coating
VOC Rating 0 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]

go green concrete counter top sealersGreen Concrete Countertop Sealers

Food Safe Concrete Counter Top Sealer XS-327
VOC Rating 25 g/L
High Gloss Concrete Countertop Sealer PC-12
VOC Rating less than 400 g/L[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


Concrete may seem like a surprising resource when you are trying to apply good environmental practices to your home or worksite landscaping. Some amateurs react with disdain: all concrete does is pave over nature. Both formulation and function, however, make concrete an excellent resource when you want to create attractive, welcoming and sustainable landscaping.
The contents of concrete mean that its chemical impact on the natural environment is minor. The major component of concrete is lime, readily available in large quantities in soils all over the world. Limestone is generally regarded as the most common element on earth. Introducing concrete structures into a landscape will not drastically change soil chemistry or composition. Fly ash, slag cement and silica fume, all potential concrete components, can be obtained as waste byproducts of the energy, metals and other manufacturing industries, rather than being freshly mined or compounded every time they are needed.
Further, concrete can be formulated in the amounts needed for specific jobs. There are no predictable leftovers requiring disposal. While leftover concrete cannot be dissolved or left to biodegrade quickly, overages can be chunked or crushed and used for fill, drainage and sub-structural work for new projects.
Choosing concrete also means choosing durability. Although climate and environmental stresses are different for each project, concrete’s comparatively low level of reactivity means years of extra life. Repairs, revisions and some maintenance are part of every construction job, but concrete may often outlast stone, wood or other basic building choices.
Chemical stability means that concrete does not naturally combine with chemicals in surrounding soil or water to produce environmentally-damaging compounds. Chemical interactions between concrete and environmental water sources tend to be mostly one-way. A broad array of solvent- and water-based sealers and stains are designed to prevent visible damage to concrete from waterborne chemicals, usually natural salt residues that produce white streaking and dullness. An equally large range of cleaners and sealers seek to prevent spilled chemicals from penetrating cement and thereby polluting water. Stains, sealers and finishes are formulated to meet the Volatile Organic Compound restrictions created by the U.S. Environment Protection Agency as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Decorative concrete product manufacturers further comply with constantly more stringent versions of these regulations created by states like California and Pennsylvania.
Previous concrete, often called breathable, can absorb and permit evaporation of large amounts of groundwater and runoff, making it a highly useful construction choice when storm runoff, high natural moisture content and restoration of water supplies are major construction issues. Other impervious formulae make concrete the perfect choice for water features, water conservation and water management structures. Concrete can be formulated to retain or reflect heat, giving the designer and occupants greater and more efficient control over heat- and cold-management than may be the case with other building materials.
The versatility and sustainability of concrete are best demonstrated in site-specific designs. Surecrete Design’ picture albums illustrate the natural fit between concrete and good environmental practices. Pouring is only one way to lay concrete, and even seamless paving can be tailored to meet high environmental standards. With intelligently-designed drainage systems, precise pitching and well-chosen surfacing, even the classic poured driveway becomes a storm- and ground-water management asset, rather than just paving nature away. Breathable concrete can produce huge improvements in environmental water management, retaining excess water until it can be reabsorbed into the ecosystem. Even very traditional uses of concrete, like driveways, paths and foundations give as much as they take from their surroundings, absorbing and retaining heat, lowering air temperatures and reflecting solar radiation.
Innovations in the casting, coloring, decoration and surfacing of decorative concrete make it an excellent choice for building outdoor patios, terraces, stairs and recreation areas. Concrete is less susceptible to the damaging effects of harsh weather than other popular exterior materials like wood. Unlike granite or marble, concrete can be formed into objects of any size. When setting up a poolside snack area, for example, your design is not hampered by standard sizes into which stone and marble counters can be cut. Custom creation may let you take advantage of an unused area for a cozy gathering spot around the fire-pit or let you fit an outdoor shower into a chronically empty corner by the garage.
Decorative concrete can be cast, on or off site, into nearly any shape, texture and structure you can imagine for an outdoor design. An old reliable for swimming pools, concrete can take credit for spectacular reflecting pools, water garden features like lily-beds and slab fountains and the traditional carved fountains that have cooled and charmed the senses of warm-climate courtyard visitors for centuries. Custom-shaped cement pavers sculpt land to emphasize easy access to all parts of even a difficult property. Concrete planting beds shelter plants, shrubs and even trees from traffic and weather damage, while reducing water needs. Benches and counters let you expand areas of relaxation in your yard, while terracing and low walls can define and separate areas of active recreation and hospitality.
Give strong consideration to the roles concrete can play in designing, enjoying and maintaining your landscape. You will find a wealth of uses for this durable, versatile, sustainable material.
Surecrete manufactures even more Low VOC decorative concrete products. Please contact your Surecrete Rep for complete details and Safety Data Sheets.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]